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l 关于灵魂潜码一阶 About Code of Soul Level 1 l

Updated: Aug 19

l 关于灵魂潜码一阶 l

灵魂潜码是源自于灵性大师Lyra Hor,由她的核心才能结合成的一套新时代的数字系统。











  1. 单一的数字(0-9)的能量与特性、不同数字的组合意义:认识个人的基本个性、处理事情态度或与人相处的反应。

  2. 数字组合的发展、单一能量的级数会影响到的情况:让我们更理解今世的创伤/功课与值得开发的潜力。

  3. 数字连线&能量跳脱支援:协助看见较为隐形特质的技巧以及协助提升自身的数字能量的工具。

  4. 流年、月、日算法:让我们知道这一年可以支持我们的能量在哪里,我们就能在对的时机去发展相符合能量的人、事、物,便能一步步的完成我们的生命功课。

  5. 扬升计划:透漏我们从哪个次元来到现在,我们今生计划要扬升的层级以及我们最终要到达的频率、次元,好让我们可以把这些品质可以落实在地球。

下一班 :

英文班:2024年8月31号 - 9月3号 10AM - 5PM

中文班:2024年9月19-22号 10AM - 5PM




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I About Code of Soul Level 1 I

The Code of Soul originates from the spiritual master Lyra Hor and is a modern numerology system created through her core competency.

In the Code of Soul course,

you will embark on a journey of cleansing and reorganization.

You will rediscover yourself through the energy of numbers, gain deeper insights into your experiences, and stand more firmly in your own place.

You will learn how to effectively utilize the numbers inherent to yourself for faster transformation, unlocking suppressed aspects.

You will learn how to observe your state in daily life, breakthrough habits, and live as a higher state version of yourself.

Within the Code of Soul system, we are no longer bound by predestination, but instead we will have greater freedom to create and transcend self-imposed limitations.

We will also understand that everyone can refine their soul's lessons through free will, living out the pinnacle of numeric energy.

When we understand why the soul authors our journey, we realize that excessive healing is no longer necessary.

Key Aspects of Code of Soul Level 1:

  1. Energies and characteristics of individual numbers (0-9), meaning of different number combinations: Understanding basic personal traits, attitudes towards handling situations, or responses in interactions with others.

  2. Development of number combinations, situations influenced by the hierarchy of single energies: Enhancing understanding of present-life traumas/lessons and latent potentials.

  3. Number connections and energy release support: Assisting in revealing hidden traits and enhancing personal numeric energy.

  4. Year, month, day algorithms: Identifying where our energy is supported in a given year, allowing us to develop aligned people, events, and circumstances, thereby progressing through our life lessons.

  5. Ascension plan: Revealing our origin dimension, the levels of ascension planned for this lifetime, and the ultimate frequencies and dimensions we aim to reach. This enables us to ground these qualities on Earth.

Next Intake:

ENGLISH:19 - 22 September 2024, 10AM - 5PM

CHINESE:31 August - 3 September 2024, 10AM - 5PM




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